Walkaboutlove 2009 Images

A lot of people asked me, where I’ll put allte the images I took during the Walkaboutlove 2009. On this page you’ll find images from all the walk collected in serval galleries. If you have a flash plugin I recommend to start a slideshow, lay back and reexperience this gerat journey visually.

We started walking in the desert near the Egypt close to Elat border at the 1st of March 2009. The firs weeks till Shitim are remembered by many participitians as the most powerful part of the journey.

After some days walking the desert we had a great opening festival in the desert Ashram in Shitim. On jewish purim holyday many people got colourfully dressed and we had a lot of concerts and chanti chilling.

Every night we set up our camp. We sleeped at a lot of beautiful places within tents or just outside. After long walking days it was great arrival, when people who didn’t walk the day, helped to scout and prepare food welcomed us with love.

Katie and Shaleb got married right afther the Walkaboutlove 2009. We had a big family party at their house in Jericho. And a second one in mezuke dragot at dead sea, where they met first time.

Selecting of thousands emotionally loaded pictures you shot yourself is always a torture. Thanks to Avia kicking my ash, I got some favorite selection redy.

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